Lincoln Heights Lutheran Church
We believe that Jesus Christ is the Savior for all people. He lived the perfect life God demanded. He suffered and died to forgive all sins. He rose from the dead to give you eternal life. God has revealed this loving plan of salvation to all in the Bible. Find out more of what we believe and teach HERE.
Worship Style
We worship in a liturgical style including hymns from all ages of Christian history. Some parts of the service will be the same each week and others will change, each part focusing on the gospel of Jesus Christ. The service is printed in a worship folder each week.
The pastor will preach a message based on a portion of the Bible.
You can read or watch recent message HERE.
Worship Attire
We have no dress code. Some wear dresses or suits and ties. Others are more casual with jeans and shorts (in the summer). Worship is all about receiving the grace of God through the gospel, not about how we look or what we do.
Jesus loves the little children and so do we. We encourage families to worship together. There is a time for children to come forward for a message for them. Children's bulletins with coloring and activities are provided. If a child needs to take a break, a room is available where the service is shown on a video screen.
In addition to our English services on Sunday mornings,
we also have services offered in other languages.
Kunama language services are offered on Sundays at 10:30 am
We have an occasional service in Nuer. Contact us for information.